david denardo headshot

David DeNardo, Ph.D.

Professor of MedicineWashington University in St. Louis

The goal of Dr. DeNardo’s research program is to investigate how the tumor microenvironment regulates responses to therapy in cancer. Dr. DeNardo got his PhD from Baylor College of Medicine in Cell Biology.  As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco, he studied how adaptive immune responses regulate pro-tumor functions of macrophages in breast tumors. In 2011 he joined the faculty at Washington University, School of Medicine, in St. Louis and become a member of the Siteman Cancer Center. Since then he has extended these studies into pancreatic and lung cancer. His current research program focuses on targeting various aspects tumor microenvironment, including tumor associated macrophages, fibrosis and dendritic cells on the efficacy of cytotoxic- and immunotherapies in pancreas, lung and other cancers.

Jan 01 12:00 AM Speakers