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Laura Wienecke, MD

Physician-ScientistDepartment of Cardiology, Heidelberg University Hospital

Dr. Wienecke is a physician-scientist in cardiology at the University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany. Her research interest focusses on identifying mechanisms and therapeutic targets regulating fibroblast activation and inflammation in the context of HFpEF and HFrEF. She graduated in medicine at Hannover Medical School, Germany in 2019. Following research periods there and at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK such as the Hôpital Lariboisière and Inserm U942, Université de Paris, France, she started her residency in Heidelberg and scientific work as an early career investigator within the Leuschner lab and the Leducq Inflammatory Fibrosis HF network in 2020.