Slava Epelman headshot

Slava Epelman, MD, Ph.D.

Clinician-ScientistDepartment of Medicine, Division of Cardiology at the University Toronto

Dr Slava Epelman MD, PhD is a Clinician-Scientist in the Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology at the University Toronto, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, and a Scientist at the Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network. Dr Epelman obtained his MD / PhD (in Immunology) from the University of Calgary and then did his medical residency / clinical fellowships at the Cleveland Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine and Washington University. He is a staff cardiologist in the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at the Toronto General Hospital. His scientific interests are focused on the role macrophages in cardiac tissue injury and regeneration.
Jan 01 12:00 AM Speakers