Karen Miga headshot

Karen Miga, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Associate Director of UC Santa Cruz Genomics InstituteUCSC Genomics Institute

Dr. Miga is an Assistant Professor in the Biomolecular Engineering Department UCSC, and an Associate Director of the UCSC Genomics Institute. In 2019, she co-founded the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium, an open, community-based effort to generate the first complete assembly of a human genome. Additionally, Dr. Miga is the Director of the Reference Production Center for the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC). Central to Dr. Miga’s research program is the emphasis on satellite DNA biology and the use of long-read and new genome technologies to construct high-quality genetics and epigenetic maps of human peri/centromeric regions.

Jan 01 12:00 AM Speakers