Breeding Wave Schedule for 009376 J:DO

  • The Diversity Outbred (DO) stock is bred in waves, producing mice for shipment approximately 4 times per calendar year.
  • When placing your order please indicate the desired generation for shipping.
  • Due to the breeding frequency, age requests and specific ship dates are not guaranteed.
  • Due to aggression, orders must ship in the time frame assigned to the providing generation.
  • Due to the limitations of the colony size, non-sibling cohorts will be limited to 50 mice per sex, per customer, per generation.¹
  • Contact our Customer Service to place an order.

Current Calendar

2023-2025 Breeding Wave Schedule Generation/Wave Shipping Dates Deadline for
Order Placement ²
Winter 2023-2024 G53 January 12 – January 24, 2024 January 4
Spring 2024 G54 April 19 – May 1, 2024 April 11
Summer 2024 G55 July 26 – August 7, 2024 July 18
Fall 2024 G56 November 1 – November 13, 2024 October 24
Winter 2024-2025 G57 January 31 – February 12, 2025 January 23, 2025

¹  For small studies using less than 50 DO mice, it may be helpful to avoid using siblings in order to maximize allelic variation within the cohort. For larger studies, including genetic mapping, it is not possible to avoid siblings or other closely related animals (double-cousins) due to the limitations of the breeding colony size. The presence of close relatives can be understood through genetic analysis of kinship and may even assist with estimating heritability of a trait. Therefore, non-siblings can only be requested for orders under 50 mice per breeding wave (i.e. generation). No matter the size of the order, all are filled in a manner that minimizes the numbers of closely related animals, unless siblings are specifically requested. * A 30.6% upcharge will be applied per non-sibling mouse.

²  Deadlines for each generation will include order placement and any updates to order. Updates to orders past this deadline are subject to rescheduling

Previous Year's Calendar

2022-2024 Breeding Wave Schedule Generation/Wave Shipping Dates Deadline for
Order Placement ²
Winter 2022-2023 G49 Litter 1 January 13 – January 25, 2023 January 5
G49 Litter 2 February 3 – February 15, 2023 January 26
Spring 2023 G50 Litter 1 April 14 – April 26, 2023 April 6
G50 Litter 2 May 5 – May 17, 2023 April 27
Summer 2023 G51 Litter 1 July 21 – August 2, 2023 July 13
G51 Litter 2 August 11 – August 23, 2023 August 3
Fall 2023 G52 Litter 1 October 13 – October 25, 2023 October 5
G52 Litter 2 November 3 – November 15, 2023 October 26
Winter 2023-2024 G53 Litter 1 January 12 – January 24, 2024 January 4
G53 Litter 2 February 2 – February 14, 2024 January 25