Caleb Heffner

Research Lab Associate Manager

I am primarily interested in using mouse models to better understand fundamental developmental pathways.

After receiving my Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Maine, where my research was focused on analytical instrumentation, I switched gears to work as a Research Assistant for Dr. Steve Murray in Genetic Resource Science (GRS). My focus at that time was developing, and later managing, the Jackson Laboratory's Cre Characterization Resource.

Following a several-year "sabbatical" from GRS, I once again work for Dr. Murray. Primarily, I work on characterizing novel mouse mutants, with a focus on better understanding craniofacial developmental disorders.

Education and experience


University of Maine
B.Sc., Chemistry


Genetic Resource Science, The Jackson Laboratory
Research Assistant

Genetic Resource Science, The Jackson Laboratory
Project Supervisor

Genetic Resource Science, The Jackson Laboratory
Research Assistant