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What Does This Nomenclature Mean?
Strain #:008355
Common Name: 5-HTT- | Also Known As: SERT -
These Slc6a4 knock-out mice may be useful in studying the role of serotonin and serotonin transporter in neurological functions and disorders.
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Cryo RecoveryCryo-Recovered Mouse
Heterozygous or Wild-type for Slc6a4<tm1Kpl>
2 carriers minimum
Mice Available In 12 Weeks.Contact Customer Service for more information.
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  • A confirmation will be sent after order placement.
  • Typically, eight or more animals are produced.
  • The total number, sex and genotypes will be provided to you prior to scheduling shipment.
  • Additional breeding may be required to produce the genotype(s) of interest
  • If we fail to produce the animals of the correct genotype, you will not be charged, unless this is designated as "fee for service" project

How it's Made

Strain Highlights
Strain Type
Strain Type
Targeted Mutation
Donating Investigator
Donating Investigator(s)
Dennis Murphy - NIH, NIMH, LCS
Originating Article
Originating Article
Info When using the 5-HTT- mouse strain in a publication, please cite the originating article(s) and include JAX stock #008355 in your Materials and Methods section.

Detailed Description
Mice that are homozygous for the serotonin transporter targeted mutation (SERT-/- or 5-HTT-/-) are viable and fertile with a superficially unremarkable behavioral phenotype through early adulthood. Serotonin uptake is completely absent in homozygous mice. SERT-deficiency is pleiotropic (many different phenotypic traits). Homozygotes and, to a lesser extent, heterozygotes exhibit diminished responses to serotonin receptor agonists and other classes of drugs (including MDMA, SSRIs, 8-OH-DPAT, and DOI). SERT-mutant mice are also reported to have increased anxiety-like behaviors, altered neuroendocrine and sympathoadrenal responses to even minor stress, diminished aggression, altered emotional learning, substantially increased rapid eye movement (REM) sleep time, reduced brain excitability, increased body temperature, increased colonic motility, reduced spinal reflex to injury, reduced bladder response to stretching, blood pressure responses, diminished bone and muscle strength, reduced physical activity and exercise, and obesity associated with hyperglycemia and increased plasma levels of insulin, leptin, triglycerides and cholesterol. These SERT (or 5-HTT) mutant mice may be useful in studying the role of serotonin and serotonin transporter in behavior and learning, social anxiety, neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders (such as autism), pharmacological actions of therapeutic agents or drugs of abuse, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes and other molecular consequences of SERT inactivation.

In an attempt to offer alleles on well-characterized or multiple genetic backgrounds, alleles are frequently moved to a genetic background different from that on which an allele was first characterized. It should be noted that the phenotype could vary from that originally described. We will modify the strain description if necessary as published results become available.

A targeting vector was designed to replace exon 2 of the targeted gene with a PGK-neo cassette. The construct was electroporated into (129X1/SvJ x 129S1/Sv)F1-derived R1 embryonic stem (ES) cells. Correctly targeted ES cells were injected into recipient blastocysts, and the resulting chimeric males were bred with C57BL/6J (and/or CD1) females to generate SERT (or 5-HTT) mutant mice. These mice were subsequently backcrossed to C57BL/6J mice for at least 24-25 generations prior to arrival at The Jackson Laboratory. Upon arrival, mice were bred with C57BL/6J for at least one generation to establish the colony.

Genetic Background
Generation Definitions >
(Last Updated: January 26th 2009)
Allele Symbol Slc6a4tm1Kpl ExternalLink
Allele Name
targeted mutation 1, Klaus-Pet... targeted mutation 1, Klaus-Peter Lesch
Gene Symbol
Allele Type
Gene Name
solute carrier family 6 (neuro... solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4
Gene Synonym(s)
Site of Expression
Expressed Gene(s)
Strain of Origin
(129X1/SvJ x 129S1/Sv)F1-Kitl<... (129X1/SvJ x 129S1/Sv)F1-Kitl+

How it's Used

Disease Terms

Phenotypic Considerations & Best Practices Info
behavior/neurological phenotype
cardiovascular system phenotype
digestive/alimentary phenotype
endocrine/exocrine gland phenotype
growth/size/body region phenotype
homeostasis/metabolism phenotype
muscle phenotype
nervous system phenotype

Targeting the murine serotonin transporter: insights into human neurobiology.
Murphy DL , et al.
Nat Rev Neurosci 9(2):85-96

Abnormal anxiety-related behavior in serotonin transporter null mutant mice: the influence of genetic background.
Holmes A , et al.
Genes Brain Behav 2(6):365-80

Altered brain serotonin homeostasis and locomotor insensitivity to 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') in serotonin transporter-deficient mice.
Bengel D , et al.
Mol Pharmacol 53(4):649-55

When using the 5-HTT- mouse strain in a publication, please cite the originating article(s) and include JAX stock #008355 in your Materials and Methods section.


Genotyping Protocols
Genotyping Resources and Troubleshooting >
Allele Symbol Slc6a4<tm1Kpl>
Allele Symbol Slc6a4<tm1Kpl> Probe

Animal Health Reports

Breeding Considerations
Additional Breeding and Husbandry Support >
When maintaining a live colony, heterozygous or homozygous mice may be bred. The donating investigator breeds heterozygous females with homozygous males, and recommends monitoring litter frequency and sizes as the high anxiety observed in homozygous (and to a lesser extent heterozygous) females may result in undesirable maternal behaviors. The donating investigator also notes better breedings results if mice are placed in matings at no less than 8 weeks of age.

Breeding Strategy
Heterozygote x Homozygote; HET fem x HOM male (NO RECIP), breed only after 8 weeks old. Please monitor litter frequency and size as anxiety pheno may lead to poor mothering and odd breeding results.
