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Summary: This resource explains common terms used in cancer biomarker test reports.
By: Clinical Education at JAX | January 2024
Genomic test results using DNA extracted from tumor tissue frequently demonstrate a complex molecular signature that is different from that of normal tissue for any given patient. Test results provide a synopsis of the genomic variants that have been identified and categorized by potential actionability with regard to treatment options.
Somatic or acquired variants arise in cancers and alter the normal sequence pattern of DNA. They occur when cells are damaged during replication, by viruses or by exposure to carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke or radiation.
Alteration | Type of variant | Description | Example |
Point Mutation | Single nucleotide variant (SNV) or nucleotide change | Substitution, deletion, duplication, insertions, or a combination | BRAF V600E (substitution) |
Amplification | Copy number variant (CNV) | change in the number of copies of a cancer-related gene | ERBB2 Amplification (copy number gain) |
Fusion | Structural rearrangement | May include chromosome translocations, deletions, duplication, or inversions | EML4-ALK recurrent inversion mutation in non-small cell lung cancer |
Variants may or may not have an impact on the function of the gene. Genomic variations that do impact function may be activating, resulting in a gain of function of the protein, or inactivating, resulting in a loss of function.1 The significance of the change depends on the location of the variant, the type of genetic aberration, and the normal function of the protein.
Genomic variants are classified into three general categories:
The combination of numbers and letters provides a variant’s location, type of aberration and protein change.
“c.” prefix denotes standard variant nomenclature based on coding DNA reference sequences
“p.” prefix denotes standard variant nomenclature based on protein-level amino acid sequences
Exploring Cancer Biomarker Testing (CME|CNE). Learn about benefits, limitations, and challenges of using large biomarker tests.
Interpreting Cancer Biomarker Testing - When is Additional Testing Needed? (CME|CNE). Learn when additional cancer biomarker testing is indicated for further evaluation of genome-informed therapy.
Ordering & Interpreting PD-L1 testing. Discusses which patients may benefit from PD-L1 testing and how to select and interpret tests for patients with different cancer types.
PARP Inhibitors: Overview and Indications. Discusses FDA-approved indications for PARPi for maintenance therapy and cancer treatment.
Sequence Variant Nomenclature. Provides recommendations for the description of sequence variants. Nomenclature authorized by Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS), Human Variome Project (HVP), and the HUman Genome Organization (HUGO).
Types of Molecular Tumor Testing. Describes different types of genomic variants/alterations and testing methodology.
1. Li MM, Datto M, Duncavage EJ, Kulkarni S, Lindeman NI, Roy S, et al. Standards and Guidelines for the Interpretation and Reporting of Sequence Variants in Cancer: A Joint Consensus Recommendation of the Association for Molecular Pathology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and College of American Pathologists. J Mol Diagn. 2017;19(1):4-23.
All information in this resource is provided for educational purposes only.