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Prenatal aneuploidy testing comparison table

Select prenatal screening and diagnostic testing options for Trisomy 21 and other fetal aneuploidies


 Cell-free DNA screeningFirst trimester screeningSecond trimester serum screeningCVS and Amniocentesis
When9-10 weeks until term10-14 weeks15-22 weeksCVS: 10-13 weeks
Amniocentesis: 15-16 weeks and over
How performedMaternal bloodMaternal blood + ultrasoundMaternal bloodInvasive procedure
RisksNoneNoneNoneRisks of miscarriage
CVS 1/455
Amniocentesis 1/900
T21 detection rate>99%85%81%>99%
T21 False-positive rate<1%2.5-5%5%<1%
Other conditions included and detection ratesT18 98%
T13 99%
Variable/optional inclusion:
Sex chromosome aneuploidy, Trisomy 22 and 16, 
Microdeletion/duplication conditions - uncertain
  All aneuploidies >99%
OFD (Amniocentesis) >95%
Other genetic conditions if indicated – depends on condition
Unreportable/no call rate<1%-5%<1%<1%1-3%
Results follow-up
NormalScreen for OFD in 2nd trimesterScreen for OFD in 2nd trimesterNoneScreen for OFD in 2nd trimester if CVS performed
Unreportable/no-callCVS/amniocentesis or consider repeat cfDNARedrawRedrawRepeat or cfDNA

CVS=Chorionic villus sampling; OFD=Open fetal defect; T13=Trisomy 13; T18=Trisomy 18; T21=Trisomy 21; US = Ultrasound


ACOG and SMFM, Practice Bulletin #226 Screening for Fetal Chromosome Abnormalities. 2020.  

Fairbrother, G., et al., Prenatal screening for fetal aneuploidies with cell-free DNA in the general pregnancy population: a cost-effectiveness analysis. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2016; 29(7): 1160-4. 

Rose NC, Barrie ES, Malinowski J, Jenkins GP, McClain MR, LaGrave D, Leung ML; ACMG Professional Practice and Guidelines Committee. Systematic evidence-based review: The application of noninvasive prenatal screening using cell-free DNA in general-risk pregnancies. Genet Med. 2022 May 10:S1098-3600(22)00714-6.

SMFM, Consult Series #36: Prenatal aneuploidy screening using cell-free DNAAm J Obstet Gynecol, 2015; 212(6): 711-6. 

Updated October 2022

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