Purchase Policies

Mice Order Cancellation Policy

Orders can be canceled or changed up to the deadline listed. If deadline has passed, cancellation fee will be 100% of the order.

Cancellation Fee Order Type Order Cancellation/Change Deadline
No Cancellation Fee
  • Mice at Standard Supply Levels
    Readily Available and Available Now
    *excludes aged C57BL/6J mice (25-90 wks)
    & aged HET3 mice (25-90 wks)
  • Mice at specific days of age
  • JAX® mES and iPSC Cells
  • Foster mothers and pups
Written Notification: TWO business days prior to shipment.
By phone: By 8PM EST (5PM PST) ONE business day prior to shipment.
Aged C57BL/6J Mice (25-90 wks)
Aged HET3 Mice (25-90 wks)
Commercial customers: Notice of cancellation is received within 1-7 business days following the date of receipt of the order.
Littermates Under 7 weeks of age:
Written Notification: TWO business days prior to shipment.
By phone: By 8PM EST (5PM PST) ONE business day prior to shipment.
Timed pregnant females Prior to mating
Animal Identification
(Microchip, Ear tag, RapID, etc...)
Prior to the identification being performed
STZ and/or Buffer injected mice Prior to the injection of the animals
Cancellation fee of 20% of the price of the mice ordered Surgically modified mice or tissues Prior to the mice being moved to the surgical or necropsy procedure area
Aged C57BL/6J Mice (25-90 wks)
Aged HET3 Mice (25-90 wks)
Commercial customers: Notice of cancellation is received within 8-14 business days following the date of receipt of the order.
Littermates Over 7 weeks of age:
Written Notification: TWO business days prior to shipment.
By phone: By 8PM EST (5PM PST) ONE business day prior to shipment.
Timed pregnant females Rescheduling of orders after mice have been mated.
Cancellation fee of 100% of the price of the mice ordered Timed pregnant females Cancelling of orders or reducing quantity requested after mice have been mated.

* i.e., Notice of cancellation must be received within this time frame

Mice Recovered From Cryo Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Fee Cancellation notice deadline*
None Notice of cancellation is received within 0-5 business days following the date of receipt of the order
$1,545 Notice of cancellation is received more than 5 business days following the date of receipt of the order

* i.e., Notice of cancellation must be received within this time frame

Humanized Mice Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Fee Cancellation notice deadline*
None Notice of cancellation (or postponement in certain cases) is received within 0-5 business days following the receipt of the order
$150/mouse Notice of cancellation (or postponement in certain cases) is received more than 5 business days following the date of receipt of the order

* i.e., Notice of cancellation must be received within this time frame

PDX Model Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Fee Cancellation notice deadline*
None Notice of cancellation is received within 0-5 business days following the date of receipt of the order
$250/mouse Notice of cancellation is received more than 5 business days following the date of receipt of the order

* i.e., Notice of cancellation must be received within this time frame

IVF Services Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Fee Cancellation notice deadline*
None Notice of cancellation is received 10+ business days before the scheduled JAX Services IVF date
$1,500 or the cost of the mice, labor and materials needed for the IVF Notice of cancellation is received less than 10 business days of the scheduled JAX Services IVF date

* i.e., Notice of cancellation must be received within this time frame

Credit Policies

  • Credit will not be approved for duplicate submissions that are made by the customer.
  • Credit requests typically take 7-10 business days to process. If a request is approved, a credit memo will be issued against the original invoice. If a replacement order is requested, it will be billed and invoiced normally.

Credit For JAX® Mice

Important Note: This credit policy applies only to shipments of JAX® Mice for which transportation of the mice from The Jackson Laboratory to the customer's specified delivery site has been arranged solely by The Jackson Laboratory.

  • Credit will be issued for mice received at your facility which are deceased or moribund or for those that die or become ill within three days after arrival.
  • Credit requests must be received within five business days after the delivery date of the order by email (orderquest@jax.org) or by telephone (1-800-422-6423 or +1-207-288-5845) followed by a written notification of the problem.
  • We issue credit for mice received in damaged containers if damage is noted on the delivery manifest.
  • Credit is not provided for the following circumstances:
    • Timed plug (0-10 days): not guaranteed to be pregnant.
    • Non-productive mice (mice are not guaranteed to breed).
    • Retired breeders are recently retired from active breeding colonies. We do not guarantee that females will NOT be pregnant when they are shipped.

Credit For JAX® mES And iPSC Cells

JAX® mES and iPSC cells shipped from The Jackson Laboratory have tested negative for mycoplasma and mouse pathogens. Each cell lot has been subjected to and passed rigorous quality control testing. However, we do not guarantee performance of the cells in the customer's laboratory due to the high variability of reagents, equipment, protocols and procedures.

If cells arrive thawed, we will issue a full credit.
We will issue credit for cells received in damaged containers also, if damage is noted on the delivery manifest.

  • You must request credit and/or report transportation-related complaints by email or by telephone followed by sending us a written notification of the problem (see Customer Service contact information) within five business days following the delivery date of the order.

Shipping Container Charges

All mice are shipped in protective, filtered containers. Shipping charges are based on the number of shipping containers. Shipping charges are prepaid and itemized on invoices. Order confirmations indicate an estimated number of shipping containers to be used to ship orders. The actual number of shipping containers used for shipment may exceed the original estimates.

Contact Customer Service

If you have any inquiries regarding The Jackson Laboratory's credit and cancellation policy, please feel free to contact us using the button below, via email at orderquest@jax.org, or by phone at 1-800-422-6423 (USA) or +1-207-288-5845 (International).

Contact JAX Customer Service

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