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Click here for an introduction to Tet Expression Systems
Click here for an on demand webinar on Cre-Lox basics
Additional Cre-Lox resources listed below in the Cre-Lox Resources Section
2. Does my mouse need to be homozygous for cre?
No, generally one copy of cre is sufficient to recombine loxp sites.
3. What is the difference between cre and iCre?
iCre is an alternate version of cre designed for improved expression and reduced chances of epigenetic silencing in mammals.Click here for more information
4. Where is cre expressed in this strain?
For this information:
5. Should I breed the male or the female with cre?
See if the strain datasheet makes a specific recommendation in the Technical Support Section's "Breeding Considerations". Generally we recommend that the male be used as the cre carrier unless otherwise indicated on the Strain Datasheet. Please see item 1 inthis article for a specific example of a strain where this matters.