Immunodeficient & Nude Mouse Models

Immunodeficient mice are invaluable tools in biomedical research, offering utility in studying various aspects of immunology, oncology, infectious disease, and cell and tissue transplantation. Their limited ability to mount an immune response permits the transplantation of mouse or human cells and tissues, enabling the development of novel therapies and vaccines through in vivo testing of potential therapeutics.
Immunodeficient mouse models also facilitate the study of diseases such as type 1 diabetes and autoimmune syndromes by allowing investigation of the mechanisms underlying immune system dysregulation. These mice play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the immune system and in the development of innovative medical treatments.
The Jackson Laboratory offers a variety of immunodeficient mouse models, ranging from slightly immunocompromised (NU/J and J:NU) to extremely immunodeficient (NOD scid gamma and NOD Rag gamma), enabling a range of experimental procedures from murine cancer cell line engraftment to immune-humanization with CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells and PBMCs.

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Need Help Choosing an Immunodeficient Model?

Do you know the key considerations for researchers working with immunodeficient mice? Gain insights into selecting appropriate mouse models based on factors like immune system compromise and compatibility with specific research goals. Find valuable guidance on choosing the most suitable immunodeficient mouse model for diverse research applications and how to optimize experimental designs for improved outcomes.

Or, Learn More About Nude Mice In Our Blog:
Nude Mice - More than What Meets the Naked Eye

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Immunodeficient Mouse Model

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