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With a foundation of JAX’s unrivaled Hu-PBMC-NSG™ mice, our GvHD in-vivo assay gives you access to a vast selection of precharacterized PBMC donor profiles before you even get started. This allows you to better predict survival patterns and study timelines to support your therapeutic development goals.
When working with JAX you are guaranteed:
Project support from Ph.D.-level study directors, from initial study design to report analysis
Extensive experience conducting large-scale GvHD studies for commercial clients
Outcomes compared to a clinically-approved immunosuppressive drug (e.g.,Abatacept)
Industry leading Hu-PBMC-NSG™ mice.
The progression and severity of GvHD or xenogeneic T cell activation in Hu-PBMC-NSG™ mice is donor specific, so you can choose the ideal donors for your study needs.
Efficacy testing of novel therapeutics allows you to test immune suppression or immune activation across multiple genetically diverse donors.
Prior knowledge of GvHD response of a donor helps in appropriate donor selection and dosing scheme to align within a drug response window. The collection of human PBMC donors available have been characterized for GvHD response by survival and human cell engraftment in the NSG platform.
GvHD response of pre-characterized PBMC donor is reproducible in repeat studies. A single donor can be used to create larger cohorts of Hu-PBMC-NSG™.
Multiple screening studies can be executed using a preferred PBMC donor to select desirable candidate molecules.
Sufficient cells from a single donor are available to perform longitudinal studies.
Average time to completion of study is 35 days.
Optional Add-ons:
Humanized-PBMC-NSG™ mice are widley used as models of human-to-mouse xenogeneic GvHD, as well as studying immune function in vivo. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) engraft with high efficiency into NSG™ mice due to the lack of mature murine lymphocytes and natural killer cells. The high degree of immunodeficiency allows engraftment of larger cohorts from a single donor, creating robust and reproducible study platforms.
Learn More about NSG Mice
Learn More about Immune Humanized Mice
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