The focus of my work is bioinformatics, specifically, the design, implementation,management and evolution of community databases. I have been intimately involved in the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) program since 1992. MGI provides online access to high-quality, comprehensive, and up-to-date information about the laboratory mouse, to support its use as a model for understanding human health and disease. Together with Jim Kadin, I lead the software and database development teams that support a number of resources,including the Mouse Genome Database (MGD – HG000330), the Gene eXpression Database for mouse development (GXD – HD062499), the Mouse Tumor Database (MTB –CA089713), and the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR - LM009693). I am also PI of the MouseMine project (HG004834), which provides a fast, powerful new data warehouse for accessing MGI data.