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The MMRRC Consortium makes scientifically-valuable genetically-altered mouse lines more readily available to the biomedical research community.
An investigator who has created a mutant mouse can apply to the MMRRC Consortium to have their mouse line accepted for importation, cryopreservation, and distribution.
To have a mouse line considered for inclusion in the MMRRC, please see the strain submission information at the national MMRRC site to obtain complete instructions and to begin the submission process.
Donors are asked whether they have funding available to subsidize the costs of repositing the strain for subsequent redistribution. Donors with funding to subsidize the importation and preservation of their strain may specify a preferred MMRRC facility for the maintenance of their strain.
Strain submissions without funding support will be fully reviewed by the MMRRC's Coordinating Committee to determine whether the strain has sufficient value to be preserved using the MMRRC's funding. In some instances, researchers can obtain pre-approved for transfer to the MMRRC repository by their NIH Program Officer. In these cases, the donor will be asked to identify the sponsoring institute.
*A published description (or manuscript in press) is highly recommended.
A donating investigator may find that the services, regional location, or other qualities of a specific MMRRC facility (e.g., phenotyping capability, research interest, etc) are best suited for management of their mutant mouse line. If desired, a donating investigator may negotiate with the MMRRC at JAX for contractual management of their mouse line and use of any or all available services.
Send an inquiry to [email protected] regarding services and assignment of a strain to MMRRC at JAX.