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2017 - Talks/Posters/Workshops
1. Guru Ananda/Al Simons/Vinod Yadav/Dan Durkin/Gregg TeHennepe/Glen Beane/2nd Annual NGS Data Analysis and Informatics Conference/San Diego/February. Talk title: Comprehensive Clinical Genome Analytics: Implementation for an Automated Analytical Pipeline for Detection and Annotation of Clinically Relevant Variants. 2017
2. Xing Yi Woo/Krishna Karuturi/Vinod Yadav/Al Simons/Anuj Srivastava/Guru Ananda/Vishal Sarsani/Joshy George/Grace Stafford/Annual AACR Meeting/Washington, DC/April. Talk title: Comprehensive genomic analysis demonstrates concordance of PDX models and patient tumor cohorts. 2017
3. Dan Durkin/Bio-IT World/Boston, MA/May. Talk title: Building JAX-CKB: A Public Resource Supporting Tumor Profiling and Complex Queries in Cancer Genomics. 2017
4. Vinod Yadav and Al Simons/Bio-IT World/Boston, MA/May. Talk title: NGS Informatics for Mouse Cancer Avatars. 2017
5. Krishna Karuturi/Workshop on Big Genomic Data Skills Training for Graduate Professor, JGM/May. Talk title: Big Data Genomics: Computational & Informatics Challenges. 2017
6. Don Lee/Joint Statistical Meeting/Baltimore, MD/July. Talk title: IA-SVA:A Robust statistical framework to detect multiple sources of hidden variation in single-cell transcriptomes. 2017
7. Kyung In Kim/Joint Statistical Meeting/Baltimore, MD/August. Talk title: Number of cells to identify a novel subpopulation in single cell RNA-seq experiment.2017
8. Preeti Bais/Metabolomics & Systems Biology, Prague, Czech Republic/August. Talk title: Metabolomics on mouse models of disease for personalized medicine. 2017
9. Anil Kesarwani/UConn Health, Farmington, CT/September. Talk title: Role of Misregulated RNA Splicing in Cancer.2017
10. Joshy George/UConn Health, Farmington, CT/August. Talk title: Computational Cancer Biology. 2017
11. Anuj Srivastava/UConn Health, Farmington, CT/August. Talk title: Recent Advances in Genome Analytics. 2017
12. Preeti Bais/UConn Health, Farmington, CT/October. Talk title: Metabolomics. 2017
13. Don Lee/UConn Health, Farmington, CT/October. Talk title: Genome-Wide Association Studies. 2017
14. Guru Ananda/UConn Health, Farmington, CT/October. Talk title: Introduction to Statistical Genetics and Genetic variation. 2017
15. Joshy George/CANGS&ICCABS, Orlando, FL/October. Talk title: A computational method to aid in the design and analysis of single cell RNA-Seq experiments. 2017
16. Krishna Karuturi/CANGS &ICCABS, Orlando, FL/October. Talk title:Genomics of Patient Derived Xenografts (PDXs): Challenges and Approaches. 2017
17. Parveen Kumar/Single Cell Analysis - CSHL, Cold Spring, NY. Talk title: Understanding the process of cell differentiation and lineage commitment in jPSCs using single-cell RNA sequencing. 2017
18. Don Lee/Joint Statistical Conference/IA-SVA, Baltimore, MD/August. Talk title: A robust statistical framework to detect multiple sources of hidden variation in single-cell transcriptomes. 2017
1. Glen Beane/Bio-IT World/Boston, MA/May. Poster: Civet: A Framework for Reproducible Bioinformatics Analysis. 2017
2. Xing Yi Woo/AACR Annual Meeting/Washington/DC. Poster: Comprehensive genomic analysis demonstrates concordance of PDX models and patient tumor cohorts. 2017
3. Anuj Srivastava/ASHG/Orlando, FL/Oct. Poster: Revisiting the mouse reference genome: single molecule sequencing of C57BL/6J "Eve" 2017
4. Anil Kesarwani/Institute for Systems Genomics 5 year celebration, Storrs, CT. Poster: Misregulation of RNA Slicing in Human Cancer 2017
5. Parveen Kumar/Single Cell Analysis/Cold Spring Harbor, NY/Nov. Poster: Understanding the process of cell differentiation and lineage commitment in IPSCs using single-cell RNA sequencing. 2017
6. Joshy George/Krishna Karuturi/ Single Cell Analysis/Orlando, FL/Oct. Poster: A computational method to aid in the design and analysis of single cell experiments. 2017
7. Preeti Bais/UConn Health/Farmington, CT/Oct. Poster: Microbiome & Metabolomics. 2017
8. Don Lee/UConn Health/Farmington, CT/Oct. Poster: Statistical Genetics: Geome-Wide Association Studies 2017
9. Guru Ananda/UConn Health/Farmington, CT/Oct. Poster: Statistical Genetics: Introduction to Statistical Genetics and Genetic variation 2017
1. Gregg Tehennepe/Bio-IT World/Boston, MA/May. Workshop: Research Project Management. 2017
2. Krishna Karuturi/UConn Health/Farmington, CT/Oct. Workshop: Topics in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 2017